Ragni Kjellberg



Ragni Kjellberg was director of "Magdeburg" (Elementarläroverket for girls) and its principal from 1942 to 1969. She was also president of Fyrisgården and in the Professional Women's Association.

In Kjellberg's memory, a memorial fund was instituted in her name for students with artistic talent.


Burial site: 0155-0236

Image description: Ragni Kjellberg, third from the left, Uppsala 1934 at the 17th general girls' school meeting in Uppsala. Published in Upsala Nya Tidning. From the left Headmaster Josef Lundén, Miss Karin Winroth and Mrs Ragni Kjellberg, Principal Sven Graners, Principal Karin Akselsson, Principals Martha Grönvall and Thyra Kullgren, and the teaching councils Nils Hänninger and August Johansson. Photo: Paul Sandberg / Upplandsmuseet . [The image is cropped]
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Sven Lilja


Music teacher, conductor, sing-along leader.

Through Hugo Alfvén's agency, Sven Lilja was granted a spot at the Stockholm Conservatory of Music and studied there from 1912–1917.

After a few years as an actor he worked as a singing and music teacher in Sundsvall, music teacher at the Stockholm Folk high schools, cantor in Sofia Parish and conductor for Stockholms Arbetarsångförening and the Stockholm Song Association. Sven Lilja introduced the modern sing-along and made it a popular movement.

He led a sing-along movement in the countryside and on radio but above all at Skansen where he for the first time led the movement 1935. In the following year, the sing-evenings at Skansen became a standing institution.

Sven Lilja also plays himself in the movie 'Love and Singing' from 1944.


Burial site: 0132-1384

Image description: Sven Lilja dressed in the classic sing along suit, unknown year. Photo: From private collection. [The image is cropped]
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Maria Henschen


Governess, teacher.

Maria Henschen opened a private school for girls in her father's (Lars W. Henschen) farms which were located between Kyrkogårdsgatan, Åsgränd and Övre Slottsgatan.

She then became the first matron for "Magdeburg" (Uppsala higher grammar school for women), which she also owned.


Burial site: 0101-0023

Image description: Maria Henschen, Uppsala 1877. Photo: Heinrich Osti / UUB. [The image is cropped]
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Barbro Holmdahl


Nurse, author, teacher.

Barbro Holmdahl was a teacher at the nursing school and trained as a nurse at Uppsala nursing schools. In 1990, she became an honorary doctorate at the Faculty of Social Sciences at Uppsala University. Prior to that, Holmdahl had trained as a psychologist.

As an author she has published the Boken om Henrik  (1986), which depicts the illness and death of her own son. Other books she has published are Tusen år i det svenska barnets historia (2000) and Sjuksköterskans historia (1994).

One of several ways she used to educate her students was to take them on tour in Uppsala and talk about the health care facilities and the poor house. She also taught crisis management.


Burial site: 0101-0018

Image description: Barbro Holmdahl, unknown year. Photo: From private collection. [The image is cropped]
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Hildur Akselsson


Private tutor for small school children.

In the age of eight, Hildur Akselsson suffered from child paralysis (polio) and as wheelchair bound she managed to acquire a good humanistic education. She had no formal teacher training but had the talent to teach children.

At the age of 19, she began a business in her parents home at Villa Vägen 3 (Villa Tomtebo) which would be known as "Aunt Hildur's School" and a well-known institution in Uppsala for 37 years.

In 1913 the family moved to the corner house at Skolatan 33 at Västra Strandgatan overlooking the creek and "Magdeburg". Her students included Dag Hammarskjöld and Gunnar Weman. About Hammarskjöld, Hildur Akselsson mentioned that he had easy to learn.


Burial site: 0131-1351

Image description : Hildur Akselsson, Uppsala 1901. Photo: Heinrich Osti/UUB. [The image is cropped]
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Hildur Ottelin


Acommodation inspector, municipal politician, gymnastics teacher.

After graduating from the Gymnastics Institute in Stockholm in 1893 Hildur Ottelin moved to Skolgatan 10 in Uppsala and lived there for some time with her brother. For several years she worked as a gymnastics teacher and physiotherapist at the Lindska School and Anna Wikström's Business School for blind women.

In 1903, Ottelin invested in two farms at Stamgatan (today's Geijersgatan) 7 and 10 with the intention of renting out housing and settled himself in number 10. A year later, she bought land from vicar Otto Myrberg in Rickomberga, which was later sold cheaply to working families and together with them a single-family association, Rickomberga Egna Hem, was formed, where she was CEO from 1904 to 1923.

Later, Ottelin became a acommodation inspector for the Health Care Board and in 1912, as the first woman, was elected to the Social Democratic Party. Likewise, Ottelin was also the first woman in the City board.

As a politician, she became known for her many controversial proposals and dedications in housing issues and in issues regarding the elderly. Hildur Ottelin continued to engage in municipal affairs until her death.

Since 1950 a street in Uppsala, in the area Rickomberga carries her name.


Burial site: 0148-1933

Image description: Hildur Ottelin, ca 1916-ca 1927. Photo: Klara Hacksell / UUB. [The image is cropped]
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Ida Norrby


Household educator.

As a child, Ida Norrby was placed with her uncle, Professor Carl Norrby, and his wife, the educator Jane Miller Thengberg in Uppsala.

Apart from a few short stays in the birth city of Kalmar, she spent her childhood and adolescence in Uppsala. After the small school teacher education, Norrby studied home economics, chemistry, physiology and Health Sciences in Edinburgh.

Back to Uppsala in 1894, she was employed at the Department of Home economics at Uppsala Enskilda Grammar School where J. A. Lundell was the principal. The following year the school was formed for the home economy, where Norrby was the director of 1933.

The School of Home Economics, Trädgårdsgatan 14, Uppsala 1938. Photo: Paul Sandberg / Upplandsmuseet.

Graduate of the School of Home Economics, unknown year. Photo: Gunnar Sundgren / Upplandsmuseet.

In 1903, Norrby published the Home Cookbook, 50 editions of which were published (1994), and she was also responsible for the preparation of the Little Cookbook (1926), the School Cookbook (1925) and the Big Cookbook (1926).

She was one of the founders of the Swedish Association of Mistresses Association and was its Chairman 1919–1926 and chairman of both the Swedish school kitchen teachers Association 1913–1926 and the Swedish Crafts Educator Association 1919–1929.

Ida Norrby was also a member of the Uppsala City Council from 1919 to 1930 and became an honorary doctor at Uppsala University in 1927.


Burial site: 0134-2143

Image description: Ida Norrby ca 1920–1930. Photo: Ellen Claeson / UUB. [The image is cropped]
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